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May 05, 2012


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Touch my soul with your feeling and truth. Beautiful way of tranlation your mind.




I'm sitting at a restaurant in newport beach & I checked my email and saw your blog... As soon as I saw the title I knew I had to read it right now!! And as I read tears rolled down my cheeks.. The beauty of your words and the inspiration of "six" just melted my heart ... You are blesses to have such beautiful souls in your life but believe me when i say they are just as blessed!

Laura Tinari

Beautiful! I didn't know you were such an amazing writer.

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Things I love

  • Againstthestream.org
    Buddist meditation fellowship. For those who would like to awaken.


  • wonderful designer!!!
    her use of nature as inspiration for her creations is both edgy and humble - she pays homage to things like " shadow" in her design work. lovely
  • Attachment parenting
    This is not only a way of life or philosophy, but an awakening to a reality that we can change our world one child at a time.
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